mile o’ musings

Actually, it was more like three miles of musings, but that doesn’t have the same ring to it now, does it?

Like most weekends, we spent Saturday morning running errands. I drag the poor, tortured Kidling along on my jaunts about town while her father does the laundry or undertakes a random house project or two.

Yes, I know how lucky I am.

On this rainy morning in the span of just a few miles, Alice produced. When we reached our exit, I found myself without my trusty notebook and frantically dug through my handbag for something made of paper. Then I wrote like a damn fool. Below I present the product of this mile o’ musings. In order, to emphasize the randomness of it all.

“I’ll never run away from you in the woods.”

“My skin feels like it needs some candy.”

“I don’t like real pigs. They’re too messy. They’re too sloppy, so that’s why I don’t like real pigs. I’m not going to invite them to my birthday. If they would eat my cake, then all it would be would be crumbs with frosting on top. So, that’s why I’m not going to invite them to my birthday. If I see one, I’m not even going to say ‘hi,’ because then it might want to come in. I’ll check the windows and Dad will check the doors. I’ll check the windows and Dad will check the doors so the pigs don’t come in”


(whispers) Alice Munchkin Kid-LING. Alice Munchkin Kid-LING. Alice Munchkin Kid-LING.”

I’ve said it before and I will say it many, many more times. I would do just about anything to know what happens in that little kidling head of hers.

About The Mamahttp://kidlingville.comProfessional talker, editor, emailer, problem solver, adjunct lecturer, blogger, and mother to the brilliantly absurd Kidling.

14 thoughts on “mile o’ musings

  1. Too funny! I especially like the idea of her whispering her little name to herself, like an incantation… Maybe that’s her little ‘brain pump’ to get herself ready for the next round of delightful observations. 🙂

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